Yerba Maté has been found to contain:
24 Vitamins and Minerals, 11 Polyphenols & 15 Amino Acids!!!
Vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin (B3), B5 & B complex
Minerals and compounds include: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Riboflavin, Selenium, Zinc, Biotin, Sodium, Silicon, Phosphates, Sulfur, Antioxidants, Chlorophyll, Fatty Acids, Flavonol’s, Inositol, Pantothenic Acid, Polyphenols, Trace Minerals, Nicotinic acid, Hydrochloric acid, Choline, and 15 Amino Acids. (3) (6)
Yerba Maté is a great alternative to coffee, soothing and re-energising the body whilst providing nourishment
with its magnificent properties making it known as,
“The liquid vegetable”
Yerba Maté has come to be recognised as one of the most beneficial natural beverages containing an incredible array of nutrients. Yerba Maté has been researched for its properties for many years and in 1964, The Pasteur Institute and Paris Scientific society decided to conduct a study to see how many vitamins it possessed. The study concluded that,
“It is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to Maté in nutritional value”. In addition, they also stated that:
“It practically has all the nutritional value to sustain life"(2)
A study was completed by researchers at the University of Madrid which asserted a high content of mineral elements including K, Mg, and Mn, in Yerba maté. They considered those findings “to be of great relevance” to the nutritional value of Yerba maté infusions. It's also known to boost the Immune System as the yerba maté plant contains a number of powerful known saponins.
24 Vitamins and Minerals, 11 Polyphenols & 15 Amino Acids!!!
Vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin (B3), B5 & B complex
Minerals and compounds include: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Riboflavin, Selenium, Zinc, Biotin, Sodium, Silicon, Phosphates, Sulfur, Antioxidants, Chlorophyll, Fatty Acids, Flavonol’s, Inositol, Pantothenic Acid, Polyphenols, Trace Minerals, Nicotinic acid, Hydrochloric acid, Choline, and 15 Amino Acids. (3) (6)
Yerba Maté is a great alternative to coffee, soothing and re-energising the body whilst providing nourishment
with its magnificent properties making it known as,
“The liquid vegetable”
Yerba Maté has come to be recognised as one of the most beneficial natural beverages containing an incredible array of nutrients. Yerba Maté has been researched for its properties for many years and in 1964, The Pasteur Institute and Paris Scientific society decided to conduct a study to see how many vitamins it possessed. The study concluded that,
“It is difficult to find a plant in any area of the world equal to Maté in nutritional value”. In addition, they also stated that:
“It practically has all the nutritional value to sustain life"(2)
A study was completed by researchers at the University of Madrid which asserted a high content of mineral elements including K, Mg, and Mn, in Yerba maté. They considered those findings “to be of great relevance” to the nutritional value of Yerba maté infusions. It's also known to boost the Immune System as the yerba maté plant contains a number of powerful known saponins.
Zi Yerba Maté Pyramid
- Nourishes & promotes Vitality
- Boosts in Immune System Function
- Increases and Sustains Energy Levels
- Improved Mental Alertness, Focus and Clarity
- Suppresses appetite and Enhances Weight Loss
- Aids in resistance to Premature Aging through it's nutrient
Yerba Maté has been found to aid weight Loss, sustain energy levels and reduce fatigue as it stimulates the central nervous system. The metabolic effect of Yerba Maté suggest it has the ability to maintain the breakdown of carbohydrates during exercise for long periods of time due to it's nutrients and their effects on the human body. This means that more calories are burned as it increases cardiac effect and delays the build up of lactic acid. Physicians have been using Yerba Maté (ilex- Paraguariensis - botanical name for Yerba Maté) as an ingredient for the treatment of obesity and it is used as a main ingredient in many natural weight loss pills, detox and diet supplements in chemists. Try having look?
A Swiss University studied various commercially-available plant preparations and have claimed that Yerba Maté extract possesses anti-obesity action. In 2000 a research team that studied obesity for gastric emptying and subsequent weight loss (Charlottenlund Medical Center in Denmark) tested a herbal preparation of Yerba Maté, Guarana, and Damiana (YGD)- From one of their studies it was concluded that the herbal preparation, YGD capsules, significantly delayed gastric emptying, reduced the time to perceived gastric fullness and induced significant weight loss in overweight patients within a 45 day period. The maintenance treatment given in an uncontrolled context resulted in no further weight loss, nor weight regain in the group as a whole.
Powerful Antioxidants?
We all know how important antioxidants are for our well being. As we get older, our cell membranes and other structures which include cellular proteins, lipids and DNA can become damaged. As oxygen is metabolised (oxidation) by the body it creates free radicals which are required in small amounts however can be harmful when our system becomes overloaded. The process of oxidation can be accelerated by stress, smoking, alcohol, sunlight and pollution. Research has shown that when these free radicals overload our system we are more susceptible to certain diseases, including heart and liver disease as well as some cancers. Antioxidants are naturally found in certain foods through Vitamins- A, C and E, Minerals- copper, zinc and selenium have all been known to neutralise these free radicals. Phytochemicals in plants are believed to have a higher antioxidant effect than vitamins A, C and E or the other minerals. It is for this reason Yerba Maté is believed to have a high antioxidant capacity containing many if not all of these antioxidant fighting properties! Phytochemicals contain recently discovered compounds that act as powerful antioxidants and are considered to exhibit anticancer effects in mammals by strengthening an organism’s natural defenses and protecting it against cellular destruction.
Comparison of Total Polyphenal Content (mmol quercetin equivalents per litre):
A group of researches from the University of the republica in Montevideo (Uruguay) did a study extracting Yerba mate and found it to be, “potent direct quenchers of the free radical 1,1- diphenyl-2-picrylthydrazyl.” Through this study they concluded that Yerba Mate is a, “rich source of polyphenols and has antioxidant properties comparable to those in green tea. Their study was published in the Journal of Alternative Complimentary Medicine in 2003 and their results showed the above. (5)
In 2007 a comprehensive study of Yerba Maté conducted found that it has 196 volatile chemical compounds, compared to the 144 contained in Green tea. (4) In addition to polyphenols, yerba maté leaves contain saponins, one study yielded 3 new saponins in the Yerba Maté leaf. Saponins are phytochemicals that have been found to specifically stimulate the immune system and aid the body in protecting against disease. “Yerba Maté has been used since ancient times as a tea, is recommended throughout South America for it's rejuvenating, nutritional, and energetic effects, particularly for mental and physical fatigue. It can be taken as an effective weight loss aid and scientific research shows Maté to be a powerful antioxidant and that it can protect DNA from double- strand breaks”. (7) Polyphenols found in tea and yerba maté have been shown to prevent both the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath and the bacteria’s production of odorous compounds.
Vitamins, minerals and their compounds are all found in the food we consume. Providing the body with adequate nutrients & antioxidants through our everyday diet and exercise can be challenging for many people especially in today’s busy and demanding environments. Heard of the saying, you are what you eat? Well if you’re not eating a well balance diet chances are that your skin, hair, eyes and overall physic will end up showing this! Exercise is also very important: “The Heart Foundation and other leading authorities recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on all or most days of the week. This can be accumulated in bouts of ten minutes or more if this is more convenient.” (8)
We are also advised to eat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Are we all doing that? Research has also shown that there is little if any risk reduction with pill supplements that claim to contain antioxidants, furthermore researchers believe that the health benefits we get from antioxidants, are in fact due to the particular properties that exist in it's natural form. So vitamins and antioxidants that are naturally found in plants, fruit & vegetables prove to be more beneficial than supplementing these with pills.
Does Yerba Maté Contain Caffeine?
Yerba Maté does contain caffeine, each 2gm of My Great Maté tea bag contains approx. 0.01% caffeine.
Caffeine which can be found in many foods and beverages including coffee, teas, chocolate and Cola's, is a type of xanthine alkaloid that acts as a stimulant which posses the ability to enhance athletic and cognitive performance. Xanthines found in Yerba Maté include Theophylline, Theobromine and caffeine. Yerba Maté is a mild diuretic and reported to give people the stimulating properties and wake up the mind without the jittery or habituating side effects of coffee. Yerba Maté has the ability to quicken the mind and increase mental alertness and acuity. Just as black tea and green tea contain caffeine so does Yerba Maté. The consistency varies according to how it is prepared, served, grown or manufactured although generally “The usual caffeine in Maté is 0.05% to 0.08% (compared to 1-2% in coffee)” (11)
Theobromine which can be found in Yerba Mate and dark chocolate has a similar stimulating effects to caffeine however is approximately 10 times weaker and is known to have a relaxing effect. Theophylline can be found in green and black tea and is also in small quantities in the Yerba Maté which is known to relax smooth muscle in the lungs airways.
In fact, a study suggests that Yerba maté might be useful for treating a variety of disorders such as. . . “depression, disorders of attention and focus, mood and emotional disorders, Parkinson’s disease, extra pyramidal disorders, hypertension, substance abuse, eating disorders, withdrawal syndromes, and the cessation of smoking.” - 2002 US Patent, yerba maté for inhibiting monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity by 40-50% in vitro.
Table of Nutrients that have been found in Yerba Mate
Vitamin A- Beta Carotene (Potent Antioxidant)
Vitamin A- Beta Carotene (Potent Antioxidant)
- Helps promote growth and vitality.
- Essential for immune system
- Aids in the health of, eyes, bones, teeth, hair & keeps skin healthy
- Promotes healing for broken bones, damaged skin and tissue
- Helps the body fight the effects of environmental pollution
- Is necessary for the heart, muscles, and nervous system to function properly
- Helps metabolise fats, proteins and carbohydrates
- Helps stabilise appetite by improving digestion
- Can assist with improving energy, mental attitude & individual learning capacity
- Helps create body tissue, red cells and antibodies
- Aids digestion & metabolising of fats, proteins and carbohydrates
- Helps promotes healthy skin, nails & hair
- Aids and is important for vision
- Helps the body turn food into energy & digestion
- Aids in maintaining healthy skin and nerves
- Helps Increase circulation and reduces cholesterol
- Nicotinic acid is required by our cells
- It’s an essential part of a balanced diet
- Aids in maintaining normal growth and healing wounds
- Helps the body fight off infections, diseases & the production of antibodies
- Helps protect cell damage caused by radiation
- Helps in the building of red blood cells
- Aids in converting food to energy
- Helps the liver produce lipids (fats) & enhances the conversion
- of food into energy
- Aids the metabolism
- Aids in the utilisation of protein, folic acid, pantothenic acid and vitamin B-12
- Helps promote healthy sweat glands, nerve tissue & bone marrow
- Essential in aiding the formation of the nucleic acids RNA and DNA
- Is necessary in helping maintain the functions of the liver and kidneys
- Helps control blood pressure and cholesterol build up
- Aids in the sending of nerve impulses in the brain that have to do with memory.
- Helps sustain healthy nerves and maintains muscle
- Is important as it helps proper function of the heart,
- eyes and nourishing brain cells
- Essential of hair growth
- Helps metabolise fats and cholesterol
- Helps prevent hardening of the arteries and helps protect the liver, kidneys and heart
- Helps protect against oxidative damage
- Aids in healthy Bones, teeth, gums and blood vessels
- Essential to form collagen- which is the tissue that holds cells together
- Benefit’s the immune system by helping protect the body against infections, viruses and bacterial toxins
- Aides circulation
- Acts as antioxidant and helps protect cells from damage
- Vital for tissue repair and maintenance
- Protects red blood cells and therefore benefits the immune system
- Strengthens Bones and teeth
- Helps with good functioning of muscles and nerves
- It is a factor in blood clotting
- It is a factor in the activation of several enzymes during digestion
- Chlorophyll produces energy in the form of sugary carbohydrates
- Found abundantly in most dark green veggies. that have antioxidant effects
- Aids in weight reduction and provides the body with good fats in a form that is easily metabolised
- Helps promotes healthy hair and skin
- Helps combats heart disease
- It is essential for normal glandular activity, especially of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland
- Helps calcium become available to the cells
- Helps Increase antioxidant enzyme found in red blood cells
- Ability to scavenge free radicals
- Essential for immune function
- Helps the red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of the body
- Enzymes depend on iron to perform their function
- Iron is a mineral found in great quantities in the blood & aids in energy production
- Helps in having healthy bones
- Necessary for helping the metabolism of proteins, fats and cholesterol
- Manganese plays a role in the formation of cartilage in the creation of the fluid used to lubricate the joints
- Helps muscle and nerves function
- Helps stabilize the heart rhythm
- Helps the body create energy and make proteins
- Polyphenols are antioxidants found in plants
- Helps prevent anti- aging
- Helps eliminate free radicals
- Tannins is a class of polyphenols
- Tannins are found mostly in wines, teas and fruits
- Tannins can have an antibiotic effect
- Helps regulates blood pressure as well as helping to regulate heart rhythm
- Helps with muscle and nervous system function
- Helps body maintain balance between the water in blood and body tissues
- Helps increase friendly bacteria & decreases the nasty ones
- Acts favorably and helps with flora organisms in the intestines
- Helps stimulate the immune system
- Aids in beneficial effects on cholesterol levels
- Helps with thyroid metabolism
- Needed for tissue elasticity
- Aids the immune response
- It's principal function is to inhibit the oxidation all of lipids (fats)
- Helps the formation of collagen for bones and connective tissue as Silicon
- Can help enhance healthy nails and hair
- Known to enhance the immune system and helps retards the aging process of tissues
- Helps maintains water balance throughout the in the tissues & nerve impulses
- Helps transport molecules across cell walls
- Helps disinfect the blood and it helps the body to resist bacteria
- It can be considered to be an anti-aging nutrient, due to it's ability to protect against the harmful effects of radiation and pollution
- Is a principal protein that helps give the skin its structural integrity
- Similar effect to caffeine although 10 times weaker
- Diuretic
- Stimulant & relaxing effect
- Can relax the bronchi muscles in lungs
- Helps relax smooth muscles of the airways of the lungs
- Anti- inflammatory effect
- Is partly responsible for the stimulant effects in tea
- Stimulant
- Diuretic
- Caffeine is orally used for helping ADHD, Asthma and increase mental
- They are necessary for oxygen transport, & energy metabolism.
- Aids in the growth and protection of cells and nerves
- Helps the digestion process Helps protect against toxic reaction and heavy metal poisoning
- Essential in the maintenance of a healthy & strong Immune system in the body
- Aids in treating acne
- Aids in healing wounds
- Amino acids are known as the building blocks of life. When their chains bond together, they form proteins which are an important part of every living cell in the body.
- Liver produces approx. 80% of the amino acid we need, the other 20% must come directly from the diet and that’s why
they are called essential amino acids
- Helps Stabilise & metabolise glucose to produce adequate amounts of energy for the body
- Known to aid and promote the immune system
- Helps improve liver functioning by detoxifying the liver
- Asparagine helps stabilise and balance the central nervous system
- Aspartic acid is known to help increase stamina and reduces fatigue
- It plays a role in the immune system by helping promote the production of immunoglobulin and antibodies
- Each of these sulfur containing amino acids help promote the formation of skin and help enhance detoxification
- Cysteine aids in detoxification and helps protect the body against radiation
- It also helps protects the body against the toxins
- In small amounts it can, pass through the blood brain barrier and as a result,
- Helps the brain use it as a fuel
- Is found in the skin and connected tissues, and when there are insufficient quantities, aids in repairing and healing them
- Proper amounts help produce energy
- Histidine is an important amino acid as it helps promote growth and repair tissue
- Known to help protect the body from radiation damage and can be used as a detoxifying agent to remove heavy metals from the system
- Known to help boost the immune system.
- Helps for the much needed production of hemoglobin
- Has the ability to enhance energy, increase endurance,and aids and repair of damaged muscle tissue
- Helps protects muscle tissue and acts us a fuel
- Helps in promoting the healing of bones, skin, and muscle tissue
- It is important in helping bone develop
- Helps promote muscle tissue development
- Helps for those recovering from surgery and sports injuries
- Because lysine cannot be produced in the body adequate amounts of lysine
- It helps to be included in the diet
- Helps breakdown fats, helping to prevent excess of buildup of fat in the arteries
- This amino acid helps to detoxify the system from heavy metals, enhances muscle strength, prevents brittle hair, and protects against radiation
- Very effective in helping de-activate free radicals
- Helps in the maintenance of proper protein balance in the body
- It helps enhance the formation of collagen and aids in liver function
- Helps to prevent fatty buildup in the liver
- Aides in alleviating insomnia
- Helps alleviates stress, aides the heart
- Used by the brain to help produce serotonins
- Has been known as a mood elevator
- It also helps suppress the appetite and helps to reduce body fat
- It helps promote the production of melanin, which is the pigment responsible for skin and hair color, as well as the proper functioning of the adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary glands
- Useful for muscle metabolism, helps tissue repair, and is helpful for balancing the level of nitrogen in the system
- Has a stimulant effect
- It is found in significant quantities in muscle tissue and is there as a source of energy to the muscle